- Chrysanthemum Plants
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- Chrysanthemum Gold West Bromwich
Chrysanthemum Gold West Bromwich
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1 available
Bloom Period March to April
Growing InformationChrysanthemum 'Gold West Bromwich' is a striking cultivar celebrated for its vibrant golden- Orange/yellow blooms and impressive size. variety is favoured by gardeners and exhibitors for its showy appearance and robust growth.
Growing Options: Can be grown in the ground or in pots
Favourable growing conditions ensure 'Gold West Bromwich' receives adequate sunlight, regular watering, and timely pruning. With proper care, this chrysanthemum will reward you with stunning golden blooms that brighten any garden or floral arrangement.
Growing Options: Can be grown in the ground or in pots
- Flower Type: Reflexed Decorative
- Colour: Primarilgold with overtones of Orange to yellow as the flowers mature
- Bloom Size: Up to 14 cm when grown as a disbud
- Bloom Time: Autumn flowering
- Growth Habit: Tall, reaching up to 1.6 meters, necessitating staking for support
- Pruning: Perform a single (pinching) between October and December to encourage branching and fuller blooms.
- Fertilizing: Apply a balanced slow-ase fertilizer during the growing season. Incorporating sulphate of potash in late summer enhances bloom quality and stem strength.
- Disbudding: For larger blooms, remove side buds to allow the plant to focus energy on substantial flowers.
- Support: Due to its height, staking is essential to prevent the stems from bending or breaking.
- Watering: Maintain consistent soil moisture, ensuring good drainage to prevent root rot.
- Exhibition Quality: With proper disbudding, 'Gold West Bromwich' produces large, show-quality blooms ideal for flo displays and competitions.
- Garden Display: It's tall stature and vibrant colour make it a focal point in garden beds and during the autumn months.
- Cut Flowers: The substantial blooms and long stems are excellent for cut flower arrangements, adding a touch of golden electro indoor displays.
Favourable growing conditions ensure 'Gold West Bromwich' receives adequate sunlight, regular watering, and timely pruning. With proper care, this chrysanthemum will reward you with stunning golden blooms that brighten any garden or floral arrangement.