- Chrysanthemum Plants
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- Chrysanthemum Apricot Enbee Wedding
Chrysanthemum Apricot Enbee Wedding
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2 available
Blooming Period January to April.
Growing Information
Chrysanthemum 'Apricot Enbee Wedding' is a stunning early flowering spray prized for its soft apricot to peach-colored blooms.
Blooming Period: December to March
Growing Options: Can be grown in the ground or in pots
Chrysanthemum 'Apricot Enbee Wedding' is a stunning early flowering spray prized for its soft apricot to peach-colored blooms.
Blooming Period: December to March
Growing Options: Can be grown in the ground or in pots
- Flower Type: Double petal rim single style bloom
- Color: Warm apricot with subtle peach tones
- Bloom Size: Medium size, depending on cultivation and disbudding
- Bloom Time: Typically flowers in December to March in New Zealand
- Growth Habit: Upright, strong stems, making it great for cutting and floral arrangements or the middle of the garden boarder.
- Pruning: Give a light tidy up during the active growing time in October to December.
- Fertilizing: Balanced slow-release fertilizer (such as Novatec) with additional potassium (e.g., sulphate of potash) as buds form
- Pinching/Disbudding: Pinching in early November to mid December encourages mulitple stems, leading to blooming 12 to 14 weeks later. Disbudding is not usually recommended for this cultivar.
- Support: Needs staking or netting to prevent stems from flopping, especially in windy areas
- Watering: Consistent moisture but well-drained soil to prevent root rot
- A favorite for cut flowers due to its elegant, warm-toned petals
- Suitable for horticultural shows with careful cultivation
- Works well in bouquets and floral arrangements due to its soft, romantic hue
- A good early garden display.